Rosie's world...
I am so happy to be a part of it.
She is still a little wobbly, but walking so good and saying, "I!!!" to any/everyone we pass.
Rosie will daintily pick from the vast array of food I offer her in her high chair,
and then will snarf dirt, inhale leaves, catch bugs and pop em' in like a delicacy,
and to find a minuscule piece of lint to munch on is a real treat.
We mammas have to work fast!
Yes, because of the dirt/bug problem.
But also because...
Monroe is a climber :)
Over, under, in, out, all day.
"It's the little things" they say.
And with babies, truest thing I've ever heard.
It's that piece of lint I was telling you about.
It's this fabulous toddler chair at walmart in the bathroom that can make a girls day.
It's a whisk and a strainer. It truly is the cardboard box that is the favorite toy.
But for the mom, the little things are
when you see her giddy and squealing when her dad comes home:)

And when she melts into her daddy's hugs...
I have turned to mush so many times when I hear a faint pitter patter coming towards me,
I'll see her looking down, (she still has to focus on some steps) and then those big eyes are look up at me,
and tiny hands reach for me.

Heart explodes.
And then I scoop her up faster than anything and squeeze, eat, kiss, you know..:)
Or when you have boring errands to do (state office something or other)
and you have your little Daisy friend to brighten every second! Who willingly accompanies you where ever!
Today as Moe was walking so edible like and wobbly, she made a last second direction change for a toy that caught her eye and tilted up on one leg, stalled like that a second, and then turned, keeping her balance, and kept going with a smile, feeling very proud. :) I cheered her on and clapped and YAYed! And then I sat there amazed at her incredibly powerful, tiny body. She says nothing but "I" (hi) and yet her mind can tell her body how to walk, bounce, balance, pick up food, chew it...
How miraculous is that?
I hope I can teach her to see her body as the sacred gift from Heavenly Father that it is.
It is capable, strong, resilient, and beautiful, whatever it looks like.
I hope she can appreciate and focus on all she can do. I pray she can respect her body as the powerful machine it is, see the greater purpose it has, not scrutinize.
Her body is what is making all of her adventures of picking up cold snow, petting a fluffy dog, seeing colorful flowers, and eating a sweet treat possible!
It's remarkable.
And seeing her eyes light up from all she can experience and do with her powerful little body, it's obvious why we were so excited to come to earth to receive our own. And that is why the adversary is so bent on taking our appreciation for the gift and turning it into scrutiny, shame, surface level.
That is not how the Lord wants us to feel. That is not from Him.
I want to keep and spread this childlike joy and appreciation of our body and all it's capable of !
I recognize that we are blessed she is healthy and strong, I pray I can show her to see that as well! And that all girls can recognize the beauty of health and their abilities!
I thank Heavenly Father for every unique aspect and feature of my little girl.
Because that combo makes her my Rosie. :)
Above is a fun dino park at City Creek to try if you haven't already:)
One year old birthday! And only about one foot tall it seems. ha
What did I tell ya?
Lots of learning when getting messy :)
Our Sister Souter returned safely from the Philippines!
There was ...
jumping: yes
tears: check
pinching {is she really here?}: you know it
rotating her free hand with a new baby: yes, we work fast
high fiving: too much
hip hip hooray-ing: no, but we should have
hoisting her up onto our shoulders: shoot, that would have really been appropriate
Goof Troop is reunited.
And boy, does it feel good
This sign says, "We waited our whole lives to meet you!"
In one year of her being gone, every sister and sis in law had a baby!
5 smoochies to meet:)
Lastly but not leastly,
we took Mecham family pictures in Montana this Christmas!
It was beautiful.
It was freezing.
Baby... was it cold outside!
The kids were incredible and little Rudolph Rosie toughed out the 5 degree weather with a smile!
Unfortunately the smile was not during this millisecond... but I still want to eat her :)
Crazy thing is that during their 3 year mission, 5 babies have been born on this side as well!
Rosie cannot get enough of cousin time, we feel so blessed to have lots!
This red nose and smile is worth a lot :)
Montana Billings Temple!
That's the crew. <3
Such amazing things to be a part of,
but my favorite one...
is Rosie's World.
Tessa! I am so glad you updated your blog! Your little family is just so adorable! I cannot believe Monrow is already 1!!! You guys look awesome and so happy :)